Ajith GM PGY1 Attendence for may 15 - 31

From15  -31 May 2020 attendance. 

Medical leave= NA

Casual Leave=1 

Daily one liner logs:

15th may : Examined the paraparesis case 

16th may : changed the treatment plan for CVA case ? AV. malformation and class attended of sarcoidosis

17. Th may ..: Sunday rounds of our  patients

18th may :  class attended of CML and discussed a case of right side pleural effusion with pulmonary medicine PGs

19 the May : Duty day., OPD and Casualty duty

20th may : Examination of Rt sided hemiplegia with acute INFARCT in left frontoparietal region

21 May :  case presentation by me of that same CVA case

22nd may :  Assisted Endoscopic guided biopsy of our 50 yr old male with ?cholangiocarcinoma and Assisted ICD placement of 40y old empyema case which was under pulmonary medicine Dept

23rd may: Case discussion with pediatric PGs regarding the inputs of testicular atrophy and undescended testis which  presented with heart failure of unit 1 case

24. May : Sunday. Regular patient ward/AMC rounds

25th may:  my THESIS presentation association of sr.magnesium with type 2 DM 

26 MAY.: Duty day./OPD Casualty

27 may : Examination of a 18 y old male neuro case which was provisional diagnosis as GBS

28 MAY : Case presentation of the same 18 y old GBS CASE

29th may: case discussion with neurophysician and collected inputs

30th may : casual leave

31 may: Sunday rounds ward/AMC
